Tag: life story
Navigating the Toxic Waters of Academia: A PhD Journey Marred by Harassment and Misconduct part II
After enduring harassment and mobbing, several of my colleagues and I decided to report our Principal Investigator (PI) to the university. The man in charge listened to us with great care as we shared our stories, crying for over an hour and a half. We made it clear how serious the situation was, explaining that… Read more
From Shadows to Sunlight: A Journey of Strength and Discovery
I was diagnosed with congenital myopathy—multi-minicore disease—at five. To this day, I’ve never met anyone with the same condition, since it’s quite rare. This myopathy isn’t progressive; it causes generalized muscle weakness, making me tire quickly. I could never run, jump, swim, or engage in other fun activities kids do. For a growing child, this… Read more